
Employee Assembly

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Cornell University - Employee Assembly 19786 No
Benefits and Policy Committee

This committee reviews and comments upon the entire range of both endowed and statutory benefits and personnel policies of the University.

38603 Yes
Committee Chairs

Drupal list for EA Committee Chairs

40323 No
Communications, Outreach and Recognition Committee

This committee was formed by merging the Communications Committee with the Staff Recognition, Awards & Events Committee for the 2018-2019 term as per EA Resolution 2 - Consolidation of Committees on a Trial Basis and was made permanent per EA Resolution 2 - Consolidation of Committees for the 2019-20 term. The committee promotes the work of the EA to the campus community, coordinates events sponsored and hosted by the EA, administers the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service, and investigates other staff award and recognition opportunities to present for consideration to the EA.

38602 Yes
Education Committee

The Employee Education Committee supports employee development, goals, and opportunities.

19792 Yes
Elections Committee

The Employee Assembly Elections Committee oversees elections conducted to fill regular vacancies that occur in the assembly each year.

19795 No
Employee Welfare Committee

Reviews and recommends proposals and initiatives related to employee health and wellness, work/life, dependent care and family support, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, transportation, compensation and any other topic deemed relevant to employee welfare.

36031 Yes
Executive Committee 19790 No
Internal Operations Committee

The Employee Assembly Internal Operations Committee facilitates the nomination and selection of employee members to both elective and appointive positions administered by the EA.

19796 No
University Benefits Committee

The University Benefits Committee is chartered jointly by the Employee Assembly and the Faculty Senate, and the committee’s charter is appended to the assembly’s charter.

19853 No
Voting Members

Drupal list of current Employee Assembly voting members

44122 No

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Cornell University - Graduate and Professional Student Assembly 19788 Yes
Appropriations Committee

The Appropriations Committee manages GPSA funds and recommends the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee to the GPSA. This committee also reviews the policies and procedures for setting and allocating the Activity Fee and recommends to the GPSA the funding guidelines of the GPSA Finance

19806 Yes
Communications Committee

The Communications Committee maintains the accessible flow of information from the GPSA to the graduate and professional student body and the Cornell community.

19804 Yes
Diversity and International Students Committee

Connects and advocates specifically for international graduate students and graduate students from diverse backgrounds.

19827 Yes
Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is composes of the officers of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, of which there shall be at least four. They meet regularly with the Graduate School deans, university administrators, and executives of other assemblies. The Executive Vice-President is the chair of the Executive Committee.

19801 No
Faculty Teaching, Advising, and Mentorship Award Committee

The primary purpose of the Faculty Teaching, Advising, and Mentorship Award Committee is to solicit nominations for and administer one or more annual Awards to recognize faculty who exhibit excellence in the teaching, advising, and mentorship of graduate and professional students.

19802 Yes
Finance Commission

The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission (GPSAFC) is the funding arm of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA). The GPSAFC is responsible for funding over 200 registered graduate and professional student organizations on the Cornell campus.

19807 Yes
GPCI Ad Hoc Committee

The Graduate and Professional Community Initiative (GPCI) is a needs assessment and strategic planning document for the Graduate and Professional community. This ad hoc committee reviews the current GPCI and develops a new document every five years.

19846 Yes
Operations and Staffing Committee

The Operations and Staffing Committee of the GPSA is composed entirely of the current standing committee chairs and GPSA University Assembly representatives. The role of this committee is to review and vote on applications for the numerous internal and external committee positions that the GPSA is charged with staffing. The Operations and Staffing Committee is additionally charged with reviewing the GPSA's charter and bylaws each year and suggesting changes as needed.

19803 No
Programming Board

The Events Committee organizes events for the entire graduate and professional student community. Although the committee’s primary purpose is to put together the annual Grad Ball, the committee is also dedicated to planning a large number of smaller events throughout the year. Events include monthly Grad’s Night Out, mixers, coffee hours, fundraising events, and events for graduate and professional students with families.

19805 Yes
Student Advocacy Committee

The GPSA Student Advocacy Committee works to act on issues of finances, stipend levels, mental and physical health, child care and the general well being of all graduate and professional students. The Student Advocacy Committee works in consultation with other relevant student and Cornell assembly committees and interested parties.

19808 Yes
Student Legal Services 19850 No
Voting Members

Drupal list of current GPSA voting members

40802 No
Graduate School Academic Integrity Committee

The Graduate School Academic Integrity Hearing Board reviews and rules on alleged violations of academic integrity standards by graduate and professional students.

19852 No

Student Assembly

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Cornell University - Student Assembly 19789 No
Internal Operations 47140 No
Office of Ethics

The Student Assembly Office of Ethics shall pursue any necessary ethics concerns of Student Assembly members and any directly elected undergraduate representative to the University Assembly. This committee shall evaluate all requests submitted by community members that are against any Student Assembly members, Student Assembly committees, or directly elected undergraduate representatives to the University Assembly.

The Office of Ethics can be reached via email at [email protected].

Please submit any ethical complaints via the Office of Ethics Qualtrics form.

45309 No
Office of Student Government Relations

Creation of the Office of Student Government Relations, which includes three branches: (1) City and Local Relations (currently the City and Local Affairs Committee of the Student Assembly), (2) State Government Relations, (3) Federal Government Relations. 

The Office of Student Government Relations can be reached via email at [email protected].

40246 No
Office of the Student Advocate

The Office of the Student Advocate is made up of undergraduate students acting as caseworkers in different fields to navigate issues including conduct violations, grade disputes, enrollment issues, financial aid problems, residency concerns, discrimination and harassment.

The Office of the Student Advocate can be reached via email at [email protected].

40232 No
Academic Policy Committee

Researches, reviews, recommends, and develops projects to improve academic life for the student body; works closely with the Dean of Students and the Faculty Senate to ensure that students’ concerns related to academic policy are voiced effectively to university officials.

19819 Yes
Appropriations Committee

The Student Assembly Appropriations Committee reviews requests from the Student Assembly budget, recommends policies and guidelines for the undergraduate student activity fee, and oversees the Student Assembly Finance Commission.

19812 Yes
City and Local Affairs Committee

Advocates on behalf of student interest at the city and county government levels; organizes events that foster a sense of engagement in the Ithaca community for Cornell students.

19823 Yes
Communications Committee

The Student Assembly Communications Committee links the assembly with its constituencies by conducting polls, referenda, forums, and hearings. It also publicizes the business and activities of the assembly.

19811 Yes
CUTonight Oversight Committee

The charge of this ad-hoc committee is the oversight of CUTonight, assisting in rewriting and reforming the constitutions and funding guidelines of CUTonight and supporting recruitment and selection of new commissioners for the organization for the 2018-2019 term. The committee will not have a strict timeline and will work collaboratively with the Advisor and future commissioners of CUTonight to promote autonomy and success of CUTonight in the future.

38861 No
Dining Services Committee

Reviews the policies and initiatives of Dining Services, with a focus on sustainability, nutrition, and student experience. Coordinates with student-led food system efforts across campus to make recommendations to Dining Services and the Assembly regarding changes to existing policies or the formulation of new policies.

19817 Yes
Diversity Committee

Collects ideas, issues and concerns in the area of diversity and inclusion; works on implementable related policies. Implements United Student Body and subsequently reviews it during the process of implementation.

19825 Yes
Elections Committee

The elections committee is responsible for coordinating, publicizing, and overseeing undergraduate student elections for positions in the Student Assembly, as well as three of five undergraduate positions in the University Assembly.

19810 Yes
Environmental Committee

Creates new legislation and enforces past environmental legislation; provides environmental education and outreach in order to better inform students and the campus community about the environment and relevant issues.

19822 Yes
Executive Cabinet

The cabinet shall staff any vacant committee positions the Student Assembly (SA) is empowered to staff during meetings in early fall. The committee shall re-evaluate the committee application outreach plan at the end of every spring term. The committee shall also evaluate SA committees’ end of the year report, and determine if the SA committee and/or their composition need to be changed.

19818 No
Executive Committee

The Student Assembly Executive Committee coordinates the officers of the assembly to ensure the smooth operation.

19784 No
Financial Aid Review Committee

The Student Assembly Financial Aid Review Committee examines financial aid policies and reviews their current status. Responsible for reviewing the guidelines of the Student Helping Students Fund and Summer Experience Grant, and for making decisions regarding the approval of grants.

19815 Yes
Infrastructure Fund Commission

The Student Assembly Infrastructure Fund allocates roughly $75,000 every year to student-led infrastructure projects on Cornell's campus.

19826 Yes
International Student Affairs Committee

This committee will research and investigate issues affecting international students and provide recommendations to the Student Assembly. The committee will be responsible for engaging, liaising, and communicating with the various cultural organizations that represent and advocate for the rights and needs of international students. The International Students Affairs Committee will be charged with creating a platform that allows undergraduate students, both domestic and international, to collaborate to craft legislation that provides additional support to international students and international student organizations.

The committee shall consist of:

  • up to two chairs and at minimum three SA members.
  • The Vice-President of Diversity and Inclusion and Vice-President of External Affairs shall serve as ex-officio members to the committee.
  • Any undergraduate is eligible to serve in the committee.
  • Membership to the International Students Affairs Committee will be determined by an application process.
  • The committee will be arranged at the discretion of the chairs. 
46392 Yes
Investigative Committee on Stewardship in IT Governance and Campus Printing System

The committee is charged with the responsibility of investigating Cornell’s campus-wide printing system to issue recommendations to the S.A. and the Cornell Administration on improving the system’s pricing scheme, accessibility, and environmental sustainability. While maintaining its focus on the campus-wide printing system, the committee is also charged with broader inquiries into Cornell University’s stewardship in IT governance practices, and the lack of student involvement in such practices.

37095 No
Research & Accountability Committee

The Student Assembly Research & Accountability Committee reviews requests regarding resolution research/background information, tentative amendments to Governing Documents, SA member conduct, SA Committee conduct, liaison obligations--in order to formulates reports and/or recommendations to the SA and select committees.

The Student Assembly Research & Accountability Committee can be reached via email at [email protected]. To submit a inquiry request to the Research & Accountability Committee, please complete and submit this form.

40412 No
Student Activities Funding Commission

For more information about the SAFC, please visit their website:

19814 No
Voting Members

Drupal list of current Student Assembly voting members

44016 No
Student Health Advisory Committee

This is a joint committee of the Student Assembly, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, and Cornell Health. Areas of focus for the committee include, but are not limited to, physical health, mental health, and outreach and communication.

39096 Yes

University Assembly

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Ad Hoc Budget Planning Advisory Committee

This committee will coordinate with the Faculty Senate's Financial Policies Committee to broaden community engagement with the Administration on budgetary matters. It will operate during the AY2019-2020, and shall be chaired by the Dean of the University Faculty. Its membership will include one additional member from the University Assembly, two selected by the Student Assembly, two selected by the Graduate & Professional Student Assembly, and two selected by the Employee Assembly.

The committee is charged with drafting a layperson document entitled "The Cornell Budget: A Users Guide" to be completed by March 1, 2020, and shall make a recommendation to the UA by April 15th 2020 a structure for interacting with the FPC and the University Budget Office in the future.

39831 No
Cornell University - University Assembly 19787 No
Transportation Hearing and Appeals Board

The Transportation Hearing and Appeals Board (THAB) shall review decisions that have been denied in whole or in part by Transportation and Mail Services administrative staff on matters relating to violation appeals, requests for special parking grants for those claiming financial hardship, and exceptions to parking rules and regulations and/or normal permit eligibility criteria.

19797 No
Campus Codes Committee

The CCC is a standing committee of the University Assembly. The public is welcome to attend meetings in person or remotely via Zoom meeting access. Please contact the CCC Chair for details.

19800 Yes
Campus Committee on Infrastructure, Technology and the Environment

As reflected in UA Resolution 15: Amending the University Assembly Bylaws’ Title of the Standing ‘Campus Infrastructure Committee’ (CIC) (2020-2021 term), the renamed Campus Committee on Infrastructure, Technology and the Environment reviews and approves proposed motions related to: environmental impact and sustainability; information technology; transportation and commuter policies; and, any other topic deemed relevant to campus infrastructure by the University Assembly Executive Board.

43313 Yes
Campus Infrastructure Committee

Reviews and approves proposed motions related to: environmental impact and sustainability; information technology; transportation and commuter policies; and, any other topic deemed relevant to campus infrastructure by the University Assembly Executive Board.

19798 No
Campus Planning Committee

The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) promotes comprehensive and clear planning processes in stewardship of Cornell University’s Ithaca campus. The Committee’s charge is to review and make recommendations to the President regarding physical planning for the campus, including master planning; land use and physical development; landscape and environmental planning and design; transportation planning, including circulation and parking; infrastructure; and new construction and renovations as they relate to the overall planning, character, and integrity of the physical plant. Among planning concerns that the CPC shall review and advocate on behalf of are public and open spaces; managed and natural lands; and shared facilities that benefit the overall campus community (identified in the 2008 Cornell Master Plan as ‘university’ or ‘enabling’ projects).  Furthermore, the CPC shall review in consultation with – and with the consultation of – the appropriate committees of the University Assembly, all plans for alterations of or additions to transportation systems on the Ithaca campus and all sustainability matters related to land and campus development. The CPC shall seek advice and comments from non-members, including Cornell and non-Cornell affiliates, while considering any specific issue or design.

The CPC strives to enhance communications, social inclusion, and accountability regarding physical planning and development of the Ithaca campus. The CPC shall consist of: four Presidential appointments, eight position appointments, and nine additional at-large members. The President of the University’s appointees serve three-year terms on a staggered basis. The position appointments or designees should be individuals with professional and technical expertise in a design or planning related field. These positions consist of the chairs of the following departments or their designees: Department of Architecture, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Landscape Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, and the Art Department as well as the directors of the following units or their designees: Cornell Plantations, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, and the Vice President for Infrastructure, Properties, and Planning. The nine at-large members consist of one University Assembly liaison, two graduate/professional students, two undergraduate students, two employees, and two faculty members, each named by his or her respective Assembly for a two-year term. CPC meetings are open to people whose administrative positions at the University and their connection to planning at the University motivate their participation.

19851 No
Campus Welfare Committee

The Committee reviews any proposed motions and university policies related to diversity and inclusion; family support; health services; and, any other topic deemed relevant to campus welfare by the University Assembly’s Executive Board.

19799 Yes
Executive Committee 19828 No
Voting Members

Drupal list of current University Assembly voting members

44199 No
Working Group on Hate Speech and Harassment

Working Group on Hate Speech and Harassment of the Codes & Judicial Committee - link to additional information.

36859 No

Faculty Senate

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
A.D. White Professor-At-Large Selection Committee 19833
Academic Programs and Policies Committee 19832
Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Status of Faculty 19831
Educational Policies Committee 19834
Faculty Advisory Committee on Athletics and Physical Education 19835
Faculty Advisory Committee on Tenure Appointments 19836
Faculty Committee on Program Review 19837
Financial Policies Committee 19838
Music Committee 19839
Nominations and Elections Committee 19840
University Faculty Committee 19841
University Faculty Library Board 19842
University Lectures Committee 19843
University-ROTC Relationships Committee 19844

Office of the Assemblies

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Assemblies Leadership

The three most senior leaders of each Assembly, the student and employee elected trustees, the dean and associate dean of faculty, the vice president for university relations, and staff from the Office of the Assemblies.

Support Staff 19785
University Hearing and Review Boards

The University Hearing and Review Boards are the pool of students, staff, and faculty who serve on the panels that hear and review cases brought by the Office of the Judicial Administrator as part of the campus disciplinary process. These cases involve violations of the Campus Code of Conduct by members of the Cornell community.


Board of Trustees

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Committee for Campus-Constituency-Elected Trustees

Committee replacing the "Trustee Nominating Committee" by action of the Board of Trustees in the fall of 2019.

Membership will include the 2 faculty-elected trustees, the 2 student-elected trustees, the employee-elected trustee*, and one representative each from the Student Assembly, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, and the Employee Assembly. (For the spring 2024 election, a former employee-elected trustee will serve on the committee, in place of the current employee-elected trustee.)